The evolution of a Cyclognome

The Cyclognomes cycloblog – My journey from gym-dodger to cyclist

Greetings! You've stumbled across the introduction page to my blog where my aim is to address and help alleviate any pre or post cycling worries out there with a view to inspire and encourage ladies, possibly men, who may be hovering on the verge of taking the cycling plunge. 

In a world where there's so much seriousness thrust upon us, in my experience, cycling either alone or with my favourite people can be a fruitful source of calm and perspective. A busy life has a habit of interrupting any fun or 'me time’, and being kind to ourselves seems to slip way too far down the priority list. Hence me putting something together for you which is both informative and helpful, yet light hearted, endeavouring to save you time, money, discomfort and any potential embarrasment in your first steps of road cycling.

If the idea of giving cycling a go has ever entered your brain box, however fleetingly, then I urge you to read on!  

I'll begin by giving you a brief back story on me. Embarking on my cycling journey as an adult, I've come to realise how much I’ve changed since I last rode regularly. I'm almost 30 years and 50% lung capacity post my 9 year old self who rode a fluorescent mountain bike, adorned with Spokey Dokeys and reflectors in the shape of a well known Cockrell . I will not attempt to deny that my re-entry into cycling was anything but elegant.  

I'd spent the last 20+ years blissfully avoiding all forms of exercise, barring running for shelter in the event of rain to avoid my hair going frizzy, pretending to myself and my loved ones that I was a happy smoker, ignoring most health advice as taking notice simply burdened me with guilt. However, my awareness that I really ought to get my rear into gear, change my lifestyle as well as my attitude towards fitness and exercise prevailed, following realisation that I need to think outside the box a little.

Fast forward 18 months and I’m feeling fab, with enough confidence in my own progression to write a blog and to offer my support to others in loving riding their bike as much as I do! Completing the 100km Women Vs Cancer Ride the Night  for charity in May was my greatest cycling accomplishment so far. 18 months ago a 100km journey was a bind in a car. It wasn’t on my radar that this was achievable under my own steam. 

So this is me! I’ve learned that some cycling fears seem to be firmly ingrained in our very core, some are simply little niggles which can be overcome, though occasionally new worries develop as we progress through our cycling journey. If I can learn to manage said cycling gremlin then so can you, we're here to make it that little bit easier for you to achieve your goals. I'll chat about a range of stuff:

  • How some women really feel when wearing Lycra 
  • Self consciousness
  • Climbing hills 
  • The inconvenience of our menstrual cycle. 
  • Saddle soreness
  • Boobs 

Each episode I'll share with you guys things which I wish I'd known at the beginning of my cycling venture as well as any lessons learned along my way.  

Whatever you're feeling, you can safely rest assured that we've all been there.  

Why wouldn't you give it a try? It's easy!  

It affords us our own personal challenge.  

It gives us a focus.  

The benefits to your personal, physical and mental wellbeing are immeasurable.  

As well as being a low impact sport, you will end up having improved joint mobility, an increase in strength and definition in all the major muscle groups as you pedal, along with a decrease in body fat.  

We're all aware that exercise is beneficial for a healthy mind as well as a healthy body, but the enjoyment which cycling brings also aids in reducing the chances of developing symptoms of common mental health conditions such as stress, depression and anxiety.  

I addition, exercise combined with the fresh air should have you sleeping like a baby (with the incontinence part hopefully omitted!). 

Discover the new found me time, focus on the motivation, fitness and confidence that cycling can offer you. 

I sincerely hope that you'll find what it is that you're looking for in reading these ramblings of mine, but if you don't then I'd genuinely be very keen to hear from you and I'll do my very best to help. As they say, there's no such thing as a stupid question! 

If I, or indeed any of us here at Cycloform can help you any further, then please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Thank you for taking the time to have a read and for joining me on my ever evolving journey, whilst hopefully commencing with your own! 

Much Love 


A.K.A Cyclognome

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